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Code chicken core 1. mod#
Code chicken core 1. full#
The Danger Dimension, accessible by finding and right-clicking a unstable ant, living up to its name, the Danger Dimension is pretty dangerous, full of deadly creatures and mobs.See if you can find the Ray Gun, hint: kill the Robo Warrior!.Should you succeed in killing Mobzilla, make some Mobzilla Armor!.Try to save a Village from destruction at the hands of the deadly Robots.This is also where Mobzilla spawns, and if you can’t guess it from his name, Mobzilla is big, deadly, and nasty, so take care! But, should you manage it, you might just get lucky and find a ray-gun. The Village Dimension, accessible by finding and right-clicking a rainbow ant, calm and serene by day, this dimension allows you to find and loot several villages easily, but take care when nightfall hits, because then the villages will get attacked… by robots! Yep, deadly killer robots spawn at night, and they are hard to kill.Tame a small Baby Dragon and try to raise him into a fully-fledged Dragon!.See if you can locate and collect all the Ancient Dried OreSpawn Eggs!.Tame a Velocity Raptor for a nifty speed boost!.Tame a Camarasaurus for protection and love.Go fishing in the lava using the Ultimate Fishing Rod.Use those Moth Scales to create a Moth Scale Armor!.However, you will find plenty of lava falls and rivers above ground, as well as dinosaurs, so take extra care in this somewhat deadly dimension The Mining Dimension, accessible by finding and right-clicking a red ant, this dimension is slightly deadly, but full of good and precious blocks found in the ground.

Here you will find the world mostly flat, populated by beautiful, and extremely large, trees in various shapes and forms, some even reaching the clouds. It is full of beautiful trees, cows, gazelles and chipmunks, all running around peacefully. This world is what is says, a utopia, where no hostile mobs are found… At least, above ground. The Utopia Dimension, accessible by finding and right-clicking a brown ant.The 5 new dimensions are as follows (click to expand): The dangerous and deadly Danger Dimension.

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